In the table below you will find the records of stratospheric balloons launched from different countries during 2007, which are currently available in StratoCat's database. Each row displays essential information such as the launch base, date and time of launch, and, if known, the mission duration and landing site of the payload. Clicking on the experiment name will offer details about the scientific institutions involved, a summary of the experiment's purpose and results, and other relevant information on the balloon flight, including references and images. Clicking on the arrows at the top and the bottom of the table you can move to other year's tables.

Launch baseDateFlight DurationExperimentPayload landing place or cause of the failure
Seychelles1/1133 dBLPB (Boundary Layer Pressurized Balloon)At 44.31º E - 4.26 º S
Seychelles1/1327 dAEROCLIPPERLast position: 63:38 º E - 25.13 º S
Seychelles1/134 dBLPB (Boundary Layer Pressurized Balloon)At 61.53º E - 9.68º S
Seychelles1/1616 dBLPB (Boundary Layer Pressurized Balloon)At 68.17º E - 13.65º S
Seychelles1/1731 dAEROCLIPPERLast position: 59:03 º E - 45.62 º S
Seychelles1/187 dBLPB (Boundary Layer Pressurized Balloon)At 59.12º E - 9.21º S
Seychelles1/1933 mAEROCLIPPERLast position: 55:61 º E - 4.71 º S
Seychelles1/2211 dBLPB (Boundary Layer Pressurized Balloon)At 68.27º E - 17.76º S
ESRANGE1/243 h 24 mFIRS-2 (far infrared Fourier transform spectrometer)North of Valvtrasket lake, in Norrbotten, Sweden
Seychelles1/243 dAEROCLIPPERLast position: 61:44 º E - 4.08 º S
Seychelles1/257 dBLPB (Boundary Layer Pressurized Balloon)At 60.68º E - 11.01º S
Seychelles1/274 dBLPB (Boundary Layer Pressurized Balloon)At 66.54º E - 12.93º S
Seychelles2/518 dBLPB (Boundary Layer Pressurized Balloon)At 59.98º E - 16.08º S
Seychelles2/510 dAEROCLIPPERLast position: 61:77 º E - 20.25 º S
Seychelles2/521 dBLPB (Boundary Layer Pressurized Balloon)Bransfield Strait, Antarctica
Seychelles2/614 dBLPB (Boundary Layer Pressurized Balloon)In Zimbabwe
ESRANGE2/7~ 2 hJPL REMOTEEast of Talinnen, in Norrbotten, Sweden
Seychelles2/79 dAEROCLIPPERLast position: 60:43 º E - 22.34 º S
Seychelles2/81 dAEROCLIPPERLast position: 56:28 º E - 7.11 º S
Seychelles2/105 dAEROCLIPPERLast position: 56:35 º E - 9.56 º S
Seychelles2/122 dAEROCLIPPERLast position: 56:46 º E - 11.43 º S
ESRANGE2/22~ 1 hJPL REMOTE--- No Data ---
ESRANGE2/22---LPMA-IASI (Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE2/23---INTAS--- No Data ---
Tortoli2/243 hUSV (Unmanned Space Vehicle) - CASTOREIn the Mediterranean sea
ESRANGE2/26---BP1--- No Data ---
ESRANGE3/58 dSUPERPRESSURE BALLOONBetween Iceland and Norway
ESRANGE3/6---ISBA--- No Data ---
ESRANGE3/74 dSUPERPRESSURE BALLOONBetween Iceland and Greenland
TIFR Hyderabad3/214 h 23 mLASE (Large Area Scintillation counter Experiment)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE3/28~ 3 h 30 mBEXUS V (Balloon EXperiments for University Students) + ELINKEast of Rovaniemi, Finland
Laramie (WY)4/18---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Fort Sumner (NM)5/95 h 43 mSTRATOFILM SF-450 / 40L (Technological Flight)East of Logan, New Mexico, US, USA
Fort Sumner (NM)5/2726 hHERO (High Energy Replicated Optics)Near the New Mexico Arizona border, USA
Sanriku5/294 h 25 mBOV-2 (Balloon-based Operation Vehicle)On the sea 30 km E of Kamaishi, Japan
Fort Sumner (NM)6/227 hTIGRE (Tracking and Imaging Gamma Ray Experiment)24 miles SE of Holbrook, Arizona, US
Sanriku6/47 h 57 mCRYOGENIC SAMPLER35 km from the shoreline of Kamaishi, Japan
Fort Sumner (NM)6/54 h 22 m37H BALLOON TEST41 miles from Fort Sumner, New Mexico, US
Aire Sur L'Adour6/7---SALOMON-N2 (Spectroscopie d'Absorption Lunaire pour l'Observation des Minoritaires Ozone et NOx - Nacelle 2)--- No Data ---
Aire Sur L'Adour6/84 hPico-SDLA (Spectromètre à Diode Laser Accordable)--- No Data ---
Sanriku6/158 h 45 mFITE (Far-Infrared Interferometric Telescope Experiment) - Systems TestIn the Pacific Ocean, 60 km from Iwate
Palestine (TX)6/219 h 20 mGRAPE (Gamma Ray Polarimeter Experiment) + CASTER (Coded Aperture Survey Telescope for Energetic Radiation)32 miles SSE of Post, Texas, US
NSC Hawaii (HI)6/27---SUPERPRESSURE BALLOON--- No Data ---
NSC Hawaii (HI)6/30---SUPERPRESSURE BALLOON--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)7/3---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Palestine (TX)7/11---37H BALLOON TESTAborted launch
Palestine (TX)7/185 h 38 mLEE (Low Energy Electrons) + MIP (Micro-Instrumentation Package) test25 miles SW of San Angelo,Texas, US
Palestine (TX)7/226 h 35 mFIREBALL (Faint Intergalactic-medium Redshifted Emission Balloon)38 miles SE of Odessa, Texas, US
Sanriku8/295 h 5 mPOINTING SYSTEM TEST FOR PHENEX--- No Data ---
Fort Sumner (NM)8/305 h 52 m37H BALLOON TEST80 miles W-SW of Fort Sumner, New Mexico, US
Sanriku8/303 h 20 mTEST OF FUEL CELL AND AUTOMATIC CONTROL FALL SYSTEMIn the Pacific Ocean, 20 km from Iwate. Balloon near Towadako
Fort Sumner (NM)9/2~ 19 hHASP 2007 (High Altitude Student Platform)Near Poston, Arizona, USA
Fort Sumner (NM)9/13~ 17 hSBI (Solar Bolometric Imager) + PlanetscopeEast of Winslow, Arizona, USA
Sanriku9/133 h 30 mOZONE OBSERVATION + CRISTAL BAROMETER TEST + GRAVITY WAVESIn the Ocean, near 100 kms from the shore line in front at Izaki, Japan
Fort Sumner (NM)9/2231 h 24 mJPL REMOTENW of Crownpoint, New Mexico, US, USA
Cape Midia AFB9/27---STABILO 1BIn the Black Sea off the Romanian shore
Fort Sumner (NM)10/3~ 9 hSUNRISEBetween the cities of Hartley and Dalhart, Texas, USA
Cachoeira Paulista (SP)11/10~ 2 hTELECOMMAND AND TELEMETRY TESTBairro Colinas, Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil
Cachoeira Paulista (SP)11/19~ 3 hTELECOMMAND AND TELEMETRY TEST PLUS FLIGHT PATH ANALYSISSão Lourenço, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Cachoeira Paulista (SP)11/20~ 2 hPBJ300 FLIGHT TESTEngenheiro Passos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Laramie (WY)11/28---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
McMurdo12/1928 d 21 h 53 mCREAM III (Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass)177 nautic miles SW from McMurdo Antarctic base
TIFR Hyderabad12/213 h 24 mDEVELOPMENTAL FLIGHT (D-12)--- No Data ---
McMurdo12/2330 d 15 h 37 mPOLAR-BESS (Balloon-borne Experiment with a Superconducting Spectrometer - POLAR VERSION)225 nautic miles SE of the Patriot Hills Station.
McMurdo12/2619 d 10 h 43 mATIC-4 (Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter)231 nautic miles NE of the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, Antarctica
Syowa12/30---JT-SAMPLER--- No Data ---
Syowa12/30---JT-SAMPLER--- No Data ---

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