In the table below you will find the records of stratospheric balloons launched from different countries during 1997, which are currently available in StratoCat's database. Each row displays essential information such as the launch base, date and time of launch, and, if known, the mission duration and landing site of the payload. Clicking on the experiment name will offer details about the scientific institutions involved, a summary of the experiment's purpose and results, and other relevant information on the balloon flight, including references and images. Clicking on the arrows at the top and the bottom of the table you can move to other year's tables.

Launch baseDateFlight DurationExperimentPayload landing place or cause of the failure
Andoya1/14---LABS (Laser Backscatter Sonde) + OPC (Optical Particle Counter)--- No Data ---
Syowa1/19---GRAB SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
Andoya1/19---LABS (Laser Backscatter Sonde) + OPC (Optical Particle Counter)--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)1/22---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Syowa1/22---GRAB SAMPLING SYSTEM--- No Data ---
Sanriku1/241 h 45 mEVAL BALLOON TEST FLIGHT--- No Data ---
Sanriku1/273 h 50 mTHIN MATERIAL BALLOON TEST--- No Data ---
Andoya1/29---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + DESCARTES--- No Data ---
Juazeiro do Norte (CE)1/30---OMS (Observations of the Middle Stratosphere)Aborted flight
ESRANGE2/21 h 54 mOPENING FLIGHT--- No Data ---
ESRANGE2/93 h 49 mRADIBAL (RADIomètre BALlon)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE2/103 h 40 mMIPAS-B2 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE2/112 h 51 mTRIPLE (BONBON + FISH + ?)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE2/142 h 5 mELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
Juazeiro do Norte (CE)2/145 h 20 mALIAS II + UV O3 PHOTOMETER + ARGUS10 miles from Juazeiro do Norte, Brazil
ESRANGE2/142 h 50 mLPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + DOAS--- No Data ---
ESRANGE2/23---Optical Particle Counter--- No Data ---
ESRANGE2/2413 dSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)In Greenland.
ESRANGE2/242 h 46 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + SAOZ-BrO--- No Data ---
ESRANGE2/263 hLPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + LPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + CAESR (Cryogenic Atmospheric Emission Spectre-Radiometer)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE2/263 h 37 mAMON (Absorption de Minoritaires, Ozone et NOx)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE2/282 h 10 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
Holloman AFB (NM)3/6---ALPHA--- No Data ---
TIFR Hyderabad3/15---XMPC (Xenon filled Multi-anode Proportional Counter telescope)Control instrumentation failure.
Andoya3/16---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE3/1721 d & 3 hSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale)Near Trondheim, Norway
ESRANGE3/182 h 35 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + DESCARTES--- No Data ---
ESRANGE3/202 h 20 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + SAOZ-BrO--- No Data ---
ESRANGE3/212 h 35 mLPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + LPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + CAESR (Cryogenic Atmospheric Emission Spectre-Radiometer)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE3/243 hMIPAS-B2 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne)--- No Data ---
Fort Sumner (NM)3/3010 hTEST FLIGHT8 miles N of Mountainair, New Mexico, US
TIFR Hyderabad3/30---LASE (Large Area Scintillation counter Experiment)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE4/28---TEST FLIGHT--- No Data ---
Fort Wainwright (AK)4/308 h 50 mFIRS-2 (far infrared Fourier transform spectrometer) + UV O3 PHOTOMETER10 miles SW of Bettles, Alaska, US
Fort Sumner (NM)5/718 h 30 mEXITE-2 (Energetic X-Ray Imaging Telescope Experiment) + MIXE-2 (Marshall Imaging X-ray Experiment)W Oklahoma City, US
Fort Wainwright (AK)5/88 h 30 mMKIV INTERFEROMETER35 miles SW of Tanana, Alaska, US
Aire Sur L'Adour5/124 h 15 mMEFISTO--- No Data ---
Fort Sumner (NM)5/2026 hSOFCAL (Scintillating Optical Fiber Calorimeter)14 miles SW of Congress, Arizona, US
Fort Sumner (NM)5/245 hCAPRICE 2 (Cosmic AntiParticle Ring Imaging Cherenkov)13 miles of Corona, New Mexico, US
Sanriku5/291 h 58 mFLIGHT PERFORMANCE TEST OF BALLOON--- No Data ---
Sanriku5/306 h 46 mCRYOGENIC SAMPLER--- No Data ---
Palestine (TX)6/2F 6 h 39 mMSAM-2 (Medium-Scale Anisotropy Measurement)25 miles SE of Sonora, Texas, US
Sanriku6/28 h 26 mBETS (Balloon borne Electron Telescope with Scintillating fibers)--- No Data ---
Sanriku6/81 h 33 mEVAL BALLOON TEST FLIGHT--- No Data ---
Palestine (TX)6/11F 4 h 32 mSOLAR CELL CALIBRATION15 miles WNW of San Saba, Texas, US
Gap-Tallard6/128 h 1 mOPENING FLIGHT + INMARSAT TEST--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)6/12---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Gap-Tallard6/176 h 24 mMACSIMS (Measurement of Atmospheric Constituents by Selective Ion Mass Spectrometry)--- No Data ---
Gap-Tallard6/198 h 23 mLPMA (Limb Profile Monitor of the Atmosphere) + DOAS--- No Data ---
Fort Wainwright (AK)6/2312 d 8 hTEST FLIGHT + COSMIC RAY EXPERIMENT300 miles E of Inuvik, Canada.
Aire Sur L'Adour6/236 h 42 mTRIPLE (BONBON)--- No Data ---
Gap-Tallard6/242 h 35 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + SAOZ-BrO--- No Data ---
Gap-Tallard6/252 h 48 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + DESCARTES--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)6/25---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Gap-Tallard6/272 h 13 mLABS (Laser Backscatter Sonde) + OPC (Optical Particle Counter)--- No Data ---
Fort Wainwright (AK)6/305 h 50 mOMS (Observations of the Middle Stratosphere) + ALIAS II + UV O3 PHOTOMETER + ARGUS12 miles NNW of Nenana, Alaska, US
Gap-Tallard7/16 h 13 mMIPAS-B2 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne)--- No Data ---
Gap-Tallard7/17 h 19 mDATA TRANSMITION SYSTEM TEST--- No Data ---
Fort Wainwright (AK)7/87 hMKIV INTERFEROMETER + UV O3 PHOTOMETER21 miles NW of Nenana, Alaska, US
Kamchatka7/9139 h 30 mRUNJOB V (RUssia-Nippon JOint Balloon program)In Nizhny, Russia
Kamchatka7/11139 h 30 mRUNJOB VI (RUssia-Nippon JOint Balloon program)--- No Data ---
Kamchatka7/163 hRUNJOB VII (RUssia-Nippon JOint Balloon program)Failure of the balloon after three hours aloft.
Trapani7/2320 h 27 mCRASH (Cosmic Rays And Strange Hadronic matter)In Los Barrios, Cadiz, Spain
Laramie (WY)7/25---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Palestine (TX)7/25F 3 h 21 mLXeGRIT (Liquid Xenon Gama-Ray Imaging Telescope)10 miles NW of Sterling City, Texas, US
Lynn Lake (MB)7/2826 hBESS (Balloon-borne Experiment with a Superconducting Spectrometer)5 miles NW of Dixonville, Alberta, Canadá
Palestine (TX)8/2F 4 hSOLAR CELL CALIBRATION--- No Data ---
Trapani8/63 h 53 mHASI (Huygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument) - PWAOn the Mediterranean Sea
Trapani8/103 h 45 mTRANSMEDIn Marettimo, Sicily, Italy
Palestine (TX)8/123 h 30 mBOOMERANG (Balloon Observations of Millimetric Extragalactic Radiation and Geophysics)2 miles SW of Mount Calm, Texas, US
Palestine (TX)8/14F 41 mSOLAR CELL CALIBRATION12 miles NW of Morgan City, Texas, US
ESRANGE8/16---OZONE SAMPLER--- No Data ---
Ny-Alesund8/192 hOPTICAL OZONE SENSOR--- No Data ---
Palestine (TX)8/24F 3 h 59 mSOLAR CELL CALIBRATION12 miles SE of Sonora, Texas, US
Palestine (TX)8/25F 4 h 14 mLXeGRIT (Liquid Xenon Gama-Ray Imaging Telescope)15 miles SE of Midland, Texas, US
Palestine (TX)8/29F 5 h 56 mBOOMERANG (Balloon Observations of Millimetric Extragalactic Radiation and Geophysics)18 miles SSE of Fort Stockton, Texas, US
Lynn Lake (MB)9/221 h 20 mAESOP (Anti-Electron Sub Orbital Payload) + LEE (Low Energy Electrons)17 miles NW of Hudson bay, Canada
Sanriku9/53 h 4 mATMOSPHERIC OZONE OBSERVATON--- No Data ---
Sanriku9/93 h 6 mOBSERVATION OF STRATOSPHERIC NO2--- No Data ---
Aire Sur L'Adour9/113 h 2 mOPENING FLIGHT--- No Data ---
Sanriku9/121 h 35 mEVAL BALLOON TEST FLIGHT--- No Data ---
Sanriku9/132 h 45 mFLIGHT PERFORMANCE TEST OF BALLOON--- No Data ---
Fort Sumner (NM)9/2426 h 50 mTIGER (Trans-Iron Galactic Element Recorder)8 miles SE of Coldwater, Kansas, US
Aire Sur L'Adour9/243 h 2 mMIR BALLOON TEST--- No Data ---
Aire Sur L'Adour9/2511 h 25 mPIROG 8 (Pointing InfraRed Observing Gondola)--- No Data ---
Aire Sur L'Adour9/273 h 13 mFAR INFRARED TELESCOPE - MIL III MISSION--- No Data ---
Aire Sur L'Adour9/304 h 5 mAEROSOL ANALISIS--- No Data ---
Fort Sumner (NM)10/421 hRICH II (Ring Imaging Cerenkov Detector)11 miles W of Apache, Oklahoma, US
Aire Sur L'Adour10/73 h 42 mMEFISTO--- No Data ---
Aire Sur L'Adour10/82 h 51 mSAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + DESCARTESIn Tarn-et-Garonne
Fort Sumner (NM)10/157 h 50 mHEXIS (High Energy X-ray Imaging Spectrometer)W of Wichita Falls, Texas, US
Laramie (WY)10/22---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Aire Sur L'Adour10/283 h 14 mETNA (Equipement de Télécommunication Numérique pour Aérostat)--- No Data ---
Aire Sur L'Adour10/312 h 40 mTechnological flight 10 meters diameter super pressure balloon--- No Data ---
Aire Sur L'Adour11/72 h 21 mINMARSAT SYSTEM TEST--- No Data ---
Juazeiro do Norte (CE)11/116 h 20 mUV O3 PHOTOMETER + ARGUS--- No Data ---
Juazeiro do Norte (CE)11/205 h 50 mALIAS II + UV O3 PHOTOMETERAt coordinates 7º 5' - 40º 6'
Baurú GLB (SP)11/232 h 3 mLABS (Laser Backscatter Sonde) / OPC (Optical Particle Counter).--- No Data ---
Baurú GLB (SP)11/262 h 2 mLABS (Laser Backscatter Sonde) / OPC (Optical Particle Counter).--- No Data ---
Aire Sur L'Adour11/262 h 40 mSUPER PRESSURE BALLOON TESTIn Viella, Gers, France
Baurú GLB (SP)11/29---SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) + SAOZ-BrO--- No Data ---

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