In the table below you will find the records of stratospheric balloons launched from different countries during 1990, which are currently available in StratoCat's database. Each row displays essential information such as the launch base, date and time of launch, and, if known, the mission duration and landing site of the payload. Clicking on the experiment name will offer details about the scientific institutions involved, a summary of the experiment's purpose and results, and other relevant information on the balloon flight, including references and images. Clicking on the arrows at the top and the bottom of the table you can move to other year's tables.

Launch baseDateFlight DurationExperimentPayload landing place or cause of the failure
McMurdo1/120 mGAMMA RAY / X-RAY / COSMIC RAY DETECTOR1/2 mile from launch pad
Syowa1/528 dPPB (Polar Patrol Balloon) - Test flight--- No Data ---
McMurdo1/83 hX-RAY DETECTOR2 miles W of Williams Field, Antarctica
ESRANGE1/9---LMD--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/10---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique) + Telemetry test--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/13---KR 007--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/16---KR 010--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/18---CNRS-SA--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/18---LOAL-LILLE--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/19---KR 013--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/19---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/24---KR 017--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/26---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)1/26---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/27---KR 023--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/29---KFA--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/30---KR 023--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/30---MPIK--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/31---CNRS--- No Data ---
ESRANGE1/31---KR 025--- No Data ---
ESRANGE2/2---KR 027--- No Data ---
ESRANGE2/5---MPIK--- No Data ---
ESRANGE2/8---TECHNO BA--- No Data ---
Aire Sur L'Adour2/19---RASCIBA (Radar - SCIdar - Ballon)--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)2/20---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Aire Sur L'Adour2/20---RASCIBA (Radar - SCIdar - Ballon)--- No Data ---
Aire Sur L'Adour2/22---RASCIBA (Radar - SCIdar - Ballon)--- No Data ---
Aire Sur L'Adour3/1---RASCIBA (Radar - SCIdar - Ballon)--- No Data ---
Cachoeira Paulista (SP)3/1323 hMAGNETIC STORM OBSERVATIONIn California, Paraná, Brazil
Laramie (WY)3/21---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
TIFR Hyderabad3/24---TICAL MARK II X-RAY TELESCOPEControl instrumentation failure. Payload lost
Laramie (WY)4/6---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)4/20---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Aire Sur L'Adour4/26---LONG DURATION BALLOON TEST--- No Data ---
Fort Sumner (NM)5/4---SDS (Solar Disk Sextant)15 miles W of Sayre, Oklahoma, US
Aire Sur L'Adour5/46 hMIPAS-B1 (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding - Balloonborne)--- No Data ---
Fort Sumner (NM)5/57 hBALLOON STRESS INDEX TEST #210 miles W of Tulia, Texas, US
Xiang He5/114 h 30 mNEW BALLOON FILM TEST--- No Data ---
Fort Sumner (NM)5/12---UV O3 PHOTOMETER8 miles W of Dimmit, Texas, US
Xiang He5/15---OLD BALLOON FILM TESTNo Flight. Balloon burst at inflation
Xiang He5/173 hOLD BALLOON FILM TEST--- No Data ---
Sanriku5/20 LAUNCH TEST--- No Data ---
Fort Sumner (NM)5/21---PAYLOAD UNKNOWNAborted flight
ESRANGE5/22---PIROG 4 (Pointing InfraRed Observing Gondola)The gondola landed practically undamaged in a swamp a few hundred meters from the launch pad.
Laramie (WY)5/22---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
ESRANGE5/23---MIKROBA 4 (MIKRO-g with Ballon drop capsule)--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)5/24---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Palestine (TX)5/24F 7 h 4 mMIT RADIOMETER32 miles SW of Brownwood, Texas, US
Sanriku5/301 hBICE (Balloon-borne Infrared Carbon Explorer)Balloon failure at 10 km
Fort Sumner (NM)5/3121 hGRIS (Gamma-Ray Imaging Spectrometer)5 miles NE of Show Low, Arizona, US
Xiang He6/12 hATMOSPHERIC EXPERIMENTInsuffcient lift force in the balloon
Fort Sumner (NM)6/428 hFIRS-2 (far infrared Fourier transform spectrometer) / UV O3 PHOTOMETER22 miles NW of Prescott, Arizona, US
Palestine (TX)6/4F 9 hINTERFEROMETER10 miles SW of Coleman, Texas, US
Sanriku6/47 hCRYOGENIC SAMPLER--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)6/7---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Xiang He6/83 h 30 mMICROGRAVITY EXPERIMENT--- No Data ---
Xiang He6/137 hSTAR-1 HARD X-RAY TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
Xiang He6/185 h 30 mFAR INFRARED TELESCOPE--- No Data ---
Xiang He6/223 h 30 mATMOSPHERIC EXPERIMENT--- No Data ---
Xiang He6/233 h 30 mOZONE AND WIND FIELD MEASUREMENTS--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)6/26---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Trapani6/271 h 19 mAROMEBalloon burst at 22 km. Payload recovered from sea the next day.
Palestine (TX)7/2F 6 h 40 mMAX (Millimeter wavelength Anisotropy eXperiment)23 miles WNW of San Angelo, Texas, US
Trapani7/922 h 47 mFIGARO II (French Italian Gamma Ray Observatory)--- No Data ---
Fort Sumner (NM)7/104 hBALLOON STRESS INDEX TEST #38 miles S of Belen, New Mexico, US
Laramie (WY)7/11---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Palestine (TX)7/20F 1 h 17 mSOLAR CELL CALIBRATIONFreefall from 120 kft. 25 Miles N of Brady, Texas, US
Trapani7/2220 h 41 mTHEMISIn Spain
Trapani7/2520 h 22 mTRIP (Telescope Raffreddato Infrarosso Pallone)In Spain
Laramie (WY)7/26---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Fort Sumner (NM)7/284 hBALLOON STRESS INDEX TEST #49 miles NW of Corona, New Mexico, US
Roswell (NM)7/284 h 40 mPATHFINDER PROGRAM--- No Data ---
Roswell (NM)7/293 h 55 mPATHFINDER PROGRAM--- No Data ---
Roswell (NM)7/305 h 25 mPATHFINDER PROGRAM--- No Data ---
Roswell (NM)7/315 h 40 mPATHFINDER PROGRAM--- No Data ---
Roswell (NM)8/24 h 25 mPATHFINDER PROGRAM--- No Data ---
Xiang He8/573 hTECHNOLOGICAL FLIGHT130 km from Tashkent, Russia
Laramie (WY)8/6---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Trapani8/623 h 57 mILIADAIn Spain
Lynn Lake (MB)8/9---ALICE (A Large Isotopic Composition Experiment)35 miles SE of High Level, Alberta, Canada
Vanscoy (SK)8/12---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
Laramie (WY)8/13---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Palestine (TX)8/16F 2 h 42 mLDBV (Long Duration Balloon Vehicle) - Flight Test # 126 miles W of Brownwood, Texas, US
Vanscoy (SK)8/19---RADIOMETERS--- No Data ---
Sanriku8/2613 hDC ELECTRIC FIELD (?)--- No Data ---
Vanscoy (SK)8/26---PAYLOAD UNKNOWN--- No Data ---
Lynn Lake (MB)8/26---MAGNETIC SPECTROMETER28 miles SE of Leaf Rapids, Manitoba, Canada
ESRANGE8/27---PIROG 5 (Pointing InfraRed Observing Gondola)Shootdown by soviet fighters near the Finish-Russian border.
Palestine (TX)8/29F 4 h 27 mHIGH RESOLUTION IR SOLAR OBSERVATIONInside Big Spring, Texas, US
Vanscoy (SK)8/30---RADIOMETERS--- No Data ---
Sanriku8/31 THIN FILM BALLOON TEST--- No Data ---
Palestine (TX)9/2F 8 h 27 mLONG DURATION SYSTEMS TEST13 miles S of Sweetwater, Texas, US
Palestine (TX)9/6F 4 h 48 mSOLAR CELL CALIBRATION16 miles S of Mexia, Texas, US
Aire Sur L'Adour9/63 h 30 mFALKE--- No Data ---
Tillamook (OR)9/831 hEARTHWINDS (Dzhanibehov - Lachenmeier - Moses - Newman)In Omak, Washington, US
Fort Sumner (NM)9/19---ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES10 miles NNW of Roswell, New Mexico, US
Laramie (WY)9/24---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Fort Sumner (NM)9/26F 44 hJACEE 9 (Japanese-American Collaborative Emulsion Experiment)13 miles NW of Olathe, Kansas, US
Aire Sur L'Adour9/26~ 12 hFAR INFRARED TELESCOPE - CYGNUS II MISSIONNear Alès, Languedoc, France
Fort Sumner (NM)9/27---MKIV INTERFEROMETER + UV O3 PHOTOMETER47 miles ESE of Childress, Texas, US
Aire Sur L'Adour10/6---ELHYSA (Etude de L'Hygromérie Stratosphérique)--- No Data ---
Fort Sumner (NM)10/9---IBEX (Infrared Balloon-Borne Experiment)10 miles NE of Seymour, Texas, US
Fort Sumner (NM)10/11---SDS (Solar Disk Sextant)13 miles S of Shawnee, Oklahoma, US
Fort Sumner (NM)10/23---ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES17 miles E of Lockney, Texas, US
Fort Sumner (NM)10/28---SUPERPRESSURE BALLOON10 miles S of Fort Sumner, New Mexico, US
Laramie (WY)10/29---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Fort Sumner (NM)10/30---ELBBO (Extended Life Balloon Borne Observatories Program)4.5 miles NW of Kenna, New Mexico, US
Aire Sur L'Adour11/10---FISH (Fast In situ Stratospheric Hygrometer)--- No Data ---
Cachoeira Paulista (SP)11/1430 hSUPERNOVA 1987 A OBSERVATIONIn Meridiano, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Paraná11/18---PLASTIC SCINTILLATOR--- No Data ---
Mendoza11/203 h 55 mPORTS (Propagation des Ondes de Relief Tropospherique Stratospherique)--- No Data ---
Mendoza11/235 h 19 mPORTS (Propagation des Ondes de Relief Tropospherique Stratospherique)--- No Data ---
Mendoza11/275 h 25 mPORTS (Propagation des Ondes de Relief Tropospherique Stratospherique)--- No Data ---
TIFR Hyderabad11/296 h 15 mINFRARED ASTRONOMY--- No Data ---
Cachoeira Paulista (SP)11/2912 hWELCOME IIn Ribas do Rio Pardo, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
Laramie (WY)11/30---AEROSOL COUNTER--- No Data ---
Mendoza12/25 h 24 mPORTS (Propagation des Ondes de Relief Tropospherique Stratospherique)--- No Data ---
McMurdo12/218 d 17 h 39 mJACEE 10 + ANTIPODE + PAX113 miles SE of McMurdo Station, Antarctica
TIFR Hyderabad12/223 h 50 mIONIZATION MEASUREMENTS + ELECTRO-DYNAMICS EXPERIENCE + IMAP (Indian Middle Atmosphere Program)--- No Data ---
Syowa12/25---PPB (Polar Patrol Balloon)--- No Data ---

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