In the table below you will find the records of stratospheric balloons launched from different countries during 1949, which are currently available in StratoCat's database. Each row displays essential information such as the launch base, date and time of launch, and, if known, the mission duration and landing site of the payload. Clicking on the experiment name will offer details about the scientific institutions involved, a summary of the experiment's purpose and results, and other relevant information on the balloon flight, including references and images. Clicking on the arrows at the top and the bottom of the table you can move to other year's tables.

Launch baseDateFlight DurationExperimentPayload landing place or cause of the failure
TIFR Hyderabad1/17---ELECTRIC FIELD STUDIESJalsangi village in Bidar district, Karnataka, India
Hurley (SD)1/24---THUNDERHEAD FLIGHT 716NE of Bethany, Illinois, US